Monday, June 3, 2019

Do Not Anxiously Look About

For a time, I stopped writing in my blog; not on purpose but because I thought no one wanted to read it anyway. I felt like I had nothing to say.

Yes, I have been in a battle and was beginning to believe nothing would ever change, and nothing I would say to anyone would do any good. Might as well stop trying to pretend I write.

Tonight, though, for the first time in months, I can't shake the feeling that many around me are discouraged and even afraid of what is ahead in their lives, just like I am sometimes. Some are falling into depression and despondency. Having spent many years depressed and discouraged, I get it. 

I was struggling earlier tonight, once again actually fighting the urge to give in to the lies of the enemy that said to me nothing will ever be different. You are always going to fight depression. You will never win. You are of no use to anyone.

Yeah, I admit it; I do still hear that sometimes. It doesn't last long anymore, but it does happen. I get up and go on like I have done for years now. The difference lately, though, is this: I had stopped writing about my struggles and victories. 

So I would like to say back to the LIAR in writing, for all to read: the very fact that I recognize it's a lie of the enemy proves that I will overcome and win this battle. There is HOPE. There were many days, weeks, and years that I believed the lies and merely existed, miserable, alone, and afraid.

Those days are behind me. Now, instead of spiraling down into sadness and discouragement that lasts for weeks and even months, I have learned to shut out the lies and listen to my Father's voice.

It's really quite simple. Here is what I do. As soon as it occurs to me that I'm being tempted to believe a lie, I put on some worship music. Right away the atmosphere is better, because the darkness cannot stay in the presence of the Light. The enemy will not stick around when you're praising the Lord. He hates worship. He will "skedaddle," as we say in the south.

The next thing I do is open up my Bible and find some of God's words that contradict the lies I have just heard. Once I find it, I read it out loud. Over time, we tend to start believing what we hear ourselves say, so it's important to say it out loud, at least in the beginning of this part of your faith walk.

Recently, during a fierce thunderstorm, I was attacked by fear. I'm not talking about being a little afraid of a storm. We're talking being irrationally fearful and panicked. When I realized what I was dealing with, I cried out to the Lord to help me. Instantly, these words came to me: Do not anxiously look about you (I was doing this very thing).

I recognized that scripture immediately because I've read it many times. I turned to Isaiah 41:10 and read these words:

"Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

Instantly I had peace, and I knew I was going to be all right. 

Even if you are skeptical and are wondering if it really is possible to overcome the spirit of fear, depression, or feelings of worthlessness, what do you have to lose? 

Just your fear. Just your depression. Just your feelings of worthlessness.

Try it. 

Be encouraged. The Lord is with you. Call out to Him and He will answer.

You are going to get through this; you and me both.

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