Sunday, January 14, 2024


Well, it finally happened: we got our first real snow here on the mountain. It flurried a couple of times since the first of the year, but it wasn't enough to write home about. 

It's currently 5 degrees out, at 3 something in the afternoon, usually the warmest point in the day. This morning I got up and went to church, then came home to fix some yummy homemade soup. About 12:15pm I looked out and saw snow! It was very fine, still is, but it is so cold it's all sticking, and piling up pretty fast.

I have been kind of down lately. Not only was I "trying" to take down the Christmas decor, not very successfully, but twice in the last couple of weeks we were supposed to get snow and didn't. I worked on packing most of Christmas away yesterday, and by late afternoon I had had enough. I was exhausted and sad. I got everything put away except the tree and the kitchen window vintage ornaments with the santas and trees (oh, and the snowmen display that I leave up through February) and decided to finish up today. 

But now it's snowing! I can't take down the tree when it's snowing! I'll try again tomorrow. I'm a happy camper! You all know how I love snow! 

I'm posting some pictures of the current situation. I may add more later.

Enjoy your snow day if you got some where you are! And stay warm and safe! 

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